Ugla Landcare

The Upper Gwydir Landcare Association (UGLA) was formed in 1998 to bring together the numerous local Landcare Groups under an umbrella organisation that broadly covers Bingara, Warialda, Gravesend, Rocky Creek and Upper Horton areas of the Gwydir Shire.

The Association is managed by a committee that is made up of representatives from those areas. It employs a Community Support Officer who assists the Landcare Groups, community groups and individuals to source information on natural resource management and to manage the day to day running of the association.
The UGLA works closely with the Border Rivers - Gwydir Catchment Management Authority and other Government instrumentalities to co-ordinate Natural Resource Management projects within its area.
Our Goal:
Our goal is to provide essential ecosystem services in a changing climate to promote an environment that is healthy, better protected, well managed and resilient.
What we do:
- We provide a meeting place for community members
- We identify funding for landholders and community groups
- We conduct field days. bus trips and workshops
- We implement Landcare projects across the Gwydir Shire
- We assist Landcare groups within our region
- We access expert advice for landholders

Non-profit organization